First adoption request by means of the new A.DOT app, involving children sheltered by Fundação Solidariedade


On 30th July 2018, the siblings S and J, from Almirante Tamandaré, started to spend time with their adopters, the couple A. and J. The adoption is under appreciation at the Infancy and Youth Courts of the Regional Courts of Almirante Tamandaré, tended by  Hon. Judge José Aristides Catenacci Júnior.

The brothers were registered at the National Adoption Registry (CNA), but no approved adopters were willing to take both boys. The Technical Team in Almirante Tamandaré considered the possibility of separating them, in order to increase the adoption chances. However, they are close and refused the idea.

After having their pictures and data inserted into A.DOT, S. and J. were ‘liked’ by adopters and a month later, after spending time getting to know each other, the substitute family formally applied to adopt them, and a series of visits and short stays lead up to the children  moving in.

The couple had been approved as prospective adopters and had been waiting for four years.  Their idea was to adopt a child under five years of age. Nevertheless, they started to consider the adoption of older children and when they saw S. and J. in A.DOT, it was love at first sight. The adopters tell their positive experience with A.DOT app. ‘It is an incredibly good tool; I think it is simply perfect. All states should have the same kind of app. Some people think of it as trade, but this is not true! We can see the adoptees and feel something for them. I had already watched other videos, with other children, but it was different from what I felt with the boys. I had the impression they were my children. And I said: Mom, I’ve just found my kids’.

  1. and J. were also heard and said: “it was a good idea to use the app” and they have told other children so that they can also get their data entered into A.DOT. Both were in foster care for quite some time and they wanted to be adopted together, and it did happen because they were included in the app.

The psychologist of the Infancy & Youth Courts of the Judicial District of Almirante Tamandaré, Ms. Michele Gonçalves Vidal, believes A.DOT is an important tool when you are looking for a substitute family. “We think A.DOT is a very important tool that should be used by all Judicial Districts, which incessantly search for good families willing to adopt children in need of substitute families, as we believe every child deserves a family”.

The app may be used in smartphones and is a project of the  Judicial Administrative Department of Paraná, Supervision Council – Infancy & Youth Courts (CONSIJ), Bla&Blu Agency, Curitiba Adoption Support Group (GAACO), and counts on the support of the Regional Labor Courts and Judicial Branch of the State of Paraná. Its purpose is to increase the visibility of adoptees who are still looking for prospective adopters, in their Judicial District of origin and are already duly registered at the National Adoption Registry (CNA).

From its launching, the A.DOT app has already received 3,280 access requests. However, only intended adopters, duly registered at the National Adoption Registry (CNA) are granted access.

Thirty-nine children and teenagers had their data, pictures and videos inserted into A.DOT and twenty-nine requests  to ‘spend time together’ were received.

Prospective adopters, all over Brazil, may request access, and adoptees from all states can have their data entered into A.DOT.

For further information on the application, please get in touch with CONSIJ – telephone +55 41 3200-2597 or e-mail

To learn more about this action, please visit the Judicial Administrative Department’s website.

Text: Judicial Administrative Department.